Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Keep Your Juice Box Clean

A healthy vagina is a happy vagina.

Ladies, you cannot SLACK on this one.

As an essential part to a woman’s body, keeping your vagina clean is a MUST.
To some, the vagina is viewed as an embarrassing subject, which is why it’s sometimes neglected of basic care. Although it may be a complex organ, it is not that hard to clean.

Eat healthy. Drink cranberry juice and eat yogurt. It prevents yeast and bladder infections. I also heard somewhere that if you drink pineapple juice, you will “taste” like pineapples…hmm…more about that later. As always, drink lots of water.

It’s all about the hygiene. Don’t let your sweet spot turn sour, boo. NOT CUTE. The vagina is a self-cleaning organ (which is why we have discharge), but you’re still going to have to put some effort in. I know that I shouldn’t have to say this, but all of us don’t live the same lifestyle, so please shower regularly. Using regular soap and water will do just fine. If you like to douche then do your thing, although I do know that most doctors are strongly against it. I would avoid using scented sprays/soaps. Try taking baths every once in a while. As college students, I know that we are always on the go, but letting your vajayjay soak in water for thirty minutes can only help you, not hurt you. Take a rest from the cute, lacey panties. You know the “date” thongs or the “he’s going to get it tonight” panties. Even though your man might complain, there is nothing wrong with wearing cotton underwear. They are reliable, cheap and you don’t have to worry about them getting torn up in the wash. Mostly importantly the cotton allows your vagina to breathe, and maintain good skin around the area. I also suggest going commando (not wearing any underwear) when sleeping. However, I would think twice if you live in small quarters with a roommate. That would just be awkward.

Wrap-it-up. Always partake in “safety sex” because no one wants an infected “punanny”…but don’t panic (too much) if you get infected with a sexually transmitted disease; you are not the first and you won’t be the last. If you do contract a disease, contact your doctor ASAP. If not, there could be serious problems down the road.
I cannot stress the importance of getting tested. It may be a scary reality, but you have to do what you have to do. Remember ignorance is not always bliss.
Even though most STDs (with the exception for genital herpes) are curable, the emotional scars can last forever.

On that note, make sure that you visit your gyno regularly. It is so important to get checked out and also get tested. Getting a pap smear may not be the most comfortable activity in the world, but as my mother would say, “it’s all part of being a woman.” Watch out for infections, such as yeast infections, urinary tract infections (UTI), and bacterial vaginosis.

Cleaning up after sex is just as important as cleaning before it. Whether you wear a condom or not, the post sexual romp can be kind of messy for all involved. Don’t just slide your panties back on after the act….that’s just nasty. Sex can be very spontaneous and can sometimes catch you off guard, but if you know that it’s going to happen try to be a little prepared. Bring an extra pair of panties and baby wipes, unless you want to wake up still covered in last night’s juices. Ew. Try wiping up with a warm washcloth. If you want to keep the romantic vibe going, invite your lover boy into the shower with you. (And don’t be ashamed to wear your shower cap…we can’t all wash and go like “Becky” can.)

I also cannot tell you how imperative it is to pee after sex. (It’s also important to pee before sex, but I digress). Peeing after sex washes bacteria out of the urethra, helping to prevent bladder infections and UTIs. If it stings when you pee (after sex) don’t freak out. If the sex was rough, your vagina may be a little irritated or raw, causing it to burn when the urine gets on it. This usually heals after 24 hours.

So remember ladies, there are very simple rules to keeping your juice box clean and never be embarrassed or ashamed about your goodies.

All in all, be nice to your vajayjay and your vajayjay will be nice to you.


  1. ths was very informative and exciting i hope that all yong ladies bebefit from this article

  2. Very informative maybe even a wake up call for all those who didnt see the importance of cleaning up your "punanny"...especially after sex.
